Hi, Adventurers. Can you believe we are about to say adios to 2021 and bonjour to 2022? We find ourselves in the “week of reflection”; the last week of the year where we sit back and reflect on the past twelve months while planning and getting excited for the new year. This is the most popular time to craft those vision boards and draft those resolutions. While I was thinking of my own resolutions for 2022, I decided I would break them into sections (you can say I am a wee bit of an organizer). One of my favorite lists, which should be of no surprise, are my travel resolutions – and being a travel advisor…there are quite a few. Are you looking to add some travel resolutions to your list? If so, take some inspiration from some of my personal favorites.

We all have things we want to do before we die, and most of mine require some sort of travel (no shocker there). However, I am taking time this year to revise my bucket list. Dreams, tastes and goals change as we get older and I want to make sure my bucket list reflects this. There is nothing wrong with changing things up, if anything – it keeps us on our toes. Take some time and see if your bucket list could use an update, and start those new dreams.

If the past few years have taught me anything, it is to not take my ability to travel for granted. If it is safe to travel in 2022 (and I sure hope it is!) I will be saying YES to every opportunity and adventure that comes my way. Start planning that big “bucket list” vacation you have been dreaming of and make moves toward making it a reality. Take advantage of long weekends and use them for spontaneous getaways. The pandemic has proven that life is too short, and we should take nothing for granted. Stop putting off those things that you want to do and start living them.

I know, I know…I should have had one of these a long time ago. However, life gets hectic and things happen (as we all know too well) and savings is not always a realistic option. I am making it a point this year to consider these funds “non negotiable”, meaning putting money aside into this account each month is a necessity. Like I said, life gets hectic and after putting out fire after fire – we deserve to slow down and treat ourselves. It may be hard to start this habit at first but know that we are all worth it!

2020 and 2021 have taught me to appreciate the little things in life more than ever before. When I jet off to my next adventures – I do not want to forget this. On my future travels I will walk slower – appreciating the scenery, views and architecture around me. I will breathe in the smells of the communities around me and take a day or two off of visiting tourist destinations and visit local shops and cafes. We live in an absolutely beautiful world – it’s time to take things slower and really appreciate it.

It amazes me how many people (myself included) end each year with some vacation time left. While being a hard worker is a good thing, we need to take care of ourselves too. Employers give us this time for a reason – to unplug and recharge. We are doing ourselves a disservice if we leave any time unused. So, plan that trip and come back to the office refreshed, rejuvenated and with exciting stories to share.

Who says you have to fly somewhere exotic to have an incredible vacation? Save money on airfare and find somewhere new and exciting to visit in your home country. There are so many places to see and things to do in your own backyard; make sure to take advantage of it!

When I plan my personal vacations, I tend to stick to the same handful of destinations. And while these trips are always a delight, I can’t help but wonder what I may be missing out on. Neale Donald Walsch said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”, and he is right. Imagine everything we may be missing out on by not leaning into the discomfort. I will plan trips to places I have never thought of traveling to before, and maybe even do some things that scare me because…we only live once, let’s make the most of it!

Keep dream vacations in the front of your mind by learning to cook from destinations and cultures around the world. Do you dream of visiting Paris? Learn how to make mouth watering crepes. Is Tokyo on your list? Have fun learning how to prepare sushi. The possibilities are endless and you can never go wrong with broadening your horizons. This is a fun resolution that I cannot wait to include my kiddos in; imagine the fun family nights you can enjoy by traveling the world from the comfort of your kitchen.

A new year welcomes a new start, with a clean slate right in front of you. How are you planning on making the most of the time you are blessed with? Life isn’t about what we own or how we look, it is about the experiences we share and adventures we take that mold us into who we are. My question for you in 2022 is…who do you want to be?

Carpe Diem!

-The Adventures by Jamie Team